Posts Tagged ‘barbecue’

James Whelan Butchers: Eat Fresh

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014 in Foodie Articles | No Comments »

If you’re just up it might take a second to wrap your brain around this but stick with me.  New research has just been released that suggests people are not fat because they are lazy and don’t move but instead are lazy and don’t move because they are fat!  It took me a while too, […]

James Whelan Butchers: Hot Brazillian

Thursday, June 12th, 2014 in Foodie Articles | No Comments »

You don’t need me to tell you how to cope with Irish summers.  I shouldn’t have to remind you that just because it says June on the calendar you still shouldn’t leave the house without being prepared for any and all weather eventualities – sun screen and bug spray will reside harmoniously with wet weather […]

James Whelan Butchers: Get Grilling

Thursday, July 4th, 2013 in Foodie Articles | No Comments »

Today the sun is high in the sky and even through the glass I know that these are the kind of afternoons we hankered after on those far too many dismal, overcast days of spring.  It feels like it’s been a long time coming and I just hope that when you are reading this the […]

James Whelan Butchers: Beat the Bloody Weather

Friday, August 12th, 2011 in Foodie Articles | 1 Comment »

  Looking back through my archive of musings for this column over the past three years it would appear that I could pull out the same article each August and reprint it and that’s mainly because of the predictably unpredictable Irish weather. We start off the summer full of anticipation of sunny days, picnics and […]